Medical Tourism At Kolhapur District Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. Name of Hospital *2. Name of Incharge *FirstLast3. Contact Number *4. Email *Address *5. Accreditation *YesNoIf Yes : which one NABH, ISO, etc OR you have applied and its under process. NABH which stage : Primary, First Level or Consolidation. If No : Any other Govt. schemes such as MPJY, Aushman, Other state like Karnataka, Goa, Andhra Pradesh. Accreditation *6. Specialities Available *Bed Strength, Operation Theaters , Active & HDU strength, ICU Beds.7. No. of foreign Patients Treated for each Speciality in last two year (FY19 & KFY 20) *8. Medical Facilities available *9. Insurance Facilities available (Foregin/Indian/ Indian with Foregin collaboration)10. Other Facilities available11. No. of outstate Patients treated for each speciality in last two year (FY 19 & KFY 20)12. Accommodation facilities available at par for such PatientsYesNo13. Website of the Hospital for Further details if available14. Any other point you want to highlight about your organisation or your USP.Eg. Teaching - Affiliated to MUHS, NBE or if you are a visiting faculty at any big organisation etc. Other than modern medicine any Holistic approach towards Health problems or total health or Wellness clinic concept of Govt. of India. Your community participation etc. or any type/affiliation with prominent organisation. Submit